Thursday, July 8, 2010


Times are changing, and are changing really fast. What one sees around today, may not be there tomorrow. A pavbhaji thelewala whose efficacy one reishes today, may own a restraunt tomorrow or simply, may own more than just one thela. We all have witnessed those ephemeral changes all around India which our forefathers would have seen in generations. Not to talk of omni-present mobile phones when there were not even landlines in each mohalla. All these may seem quite normal to us but lot of efforts have been invested (lot more than we can imagime) to make India to reach where it is today. Such is the span of effects of increased purchasing power of an Indian that luxuries of past have just become things of daily mandi.
One may live in Berlin, or Paris, or Durban, or California but an Indian will surely be his neighbour. India can not be overlooked at any international stage, in any drama of present times. Not only she has transmogrified herself from a pauper, empty-handed, weak nation to world's fourth largest economy, a major exporter of agro products, an IT superpower and a formidable defence protagonist, but is also leading the conglomeration of developing nations at almost every global table. This is really a great achievement to boast of. Having a look at the other nations, born in around the same period of late 1940s, testifies the success story of India.
Within few decades, we have completely turned the table around. But is this enough? If no, then what next?

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